Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PeRLis 1 day tRiP

This trip was organized by darling’s colleague. She was studying in Perlis last time. Hence, she could bring us to hunt for nice famous food and places of interest.
First, we had our breakfast in Pekan Lama,SP, famous Loh mee. Then we departed to Gua Keriang or more famous known as ‘Crystal Mountain’ in mandarin. Then we proceeded to Muzium Padi which is just next to Gua Keriang.

These are the crystal at the stall..

At Gua Keriang, we could see various types of crystal beneficial for different purposes. What attracted me most was the crystal shops around the gua. The price of crystal there are reasonable and the salepersons would explain to us clearly on the benefits of each crystal. However, I felt dizzy after long in the shop. The tauke said, crystal would produce one kind of magnetic powder which would make us feel uneasy by re-adjusting our magnetic molecule in our body. But still I don’t know to what extend it is true!!

In Muzium padi, what attracted me most was the huge real life drawing related to paddy plantation. The art paintings were done by a group of famous Korean artists. Other than that, we could also see different types of instruments used for processing paddy.Once entered into the museum main entrance, we went straight to the center doom through a circular stairs which resembles a cave. It is dark and the surrounding was made in a way which looks exactly like a cave. Just after a couple of minutes of stair climbing, we reach to the top of the doom.

this is the stairs that we have to climb

This is where you can view the Kedah outer area in 360 degrees from a high rise area. You get to see mountains and paddy fields which is somewhat exhilarating.

these are all the art paintings.it is a large scale artworks which is somewhat impressive to everyone who visits the museum.

We also stepped in Perlis to visit Padang Besar. Not much comment on it as the weather was hot and I felt uncomfortable. The copycat branded handbags are also expensive. No point staying long there.

But having our dinner at Man Tian seafood Restaurant was memorable. This restaurant is very famous in Perlis and the price is reasonable. It is situated at Kuala Perlis jetty. One of the famous food was mayonnaise ‘ you cha kueh’. While enjoying the food, we could feel the soft chilling wind on us. But hopefully the ‘sea’ smell is so strong until affect your appetite.

The end of our 1 day trip in Alor Star and Perlis. I felt so ashamed that we are the orang Kedah but the one who brought us to these few places is from Sarawak. Ashamed ofmyself..will go and explore more places in my hometown.

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